2014. december 14., vasárnap

[Other SNS + OTHER INSTAGRAM] 2014.12.14.Édes Jaejoong bácsi + kimserin1 IG feltöltése

[Other SNS] 2014.12.14. Sweet Uncle Jaejoong

PrinceJJ által
Jaejoong's sister shared the pictures below on her mobile kakaostory (social network version of kakaotalk) account.  The post is viewable publicly.

울 현아 의 패러디 ~~ 
현 아야 !!!! 
누가 보면 엄마 보고 싶어서 우는 줄알 겟오 ~~~ 
근데 .. 애기 들어 보니깐 ... 
삼촌 이랑 헤어 지기 시 러서 ... 
현아 가 준비한 과자 를 삼촌 이 가방 에 안 넣어서 ... 저렇게 서럽게 우는 현아 ~~ 
결국 엔 쭝 이 는 과자 도 가방 에 잘 챙기고 ~~ 
삼촌 에 대한 너의 사랑 은 ~~ 
쵝오 예요 ~~ ^^
Hyunah yah!!!
People might think that you cried because you missed your mom
But... actually...
It's because you didn't want to part from your uncle
Uncle didn't put the snacks Hyunah has prepared for him in his bag. That made Hyunah weep sadly like that~~~
In the end, Jjoongie carefully put the snacks into his bag~~
Your love for your uncle~~
is the best ~~^^

Source: kimsuyoung  
Translated by: @The_Little_Pear  

Shared by: PrinceJJ

[OTHER INSTAGRAM] 2014.12.14. kimserin1 IG feltöltése

Jaejoong  a megnyugtató az unokahúga, Hyuna számára.

Source:   kimserin1
Shared by: Kim Jae Joong Hungary 김재중 헝가리

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